Tudor zoekt een Studio / Kamer in Delft

Tudor zoekt: Een Studio / Kamer in Delft

  • Studio / Kamer
  • Min. 10 m2
  • Man
  • 10 Per direct

Hello, all!
I am Tudor. I’m 19 years old and I live in Romania. I am going to start my Computer Science BSc at TU Delft in September, hence I’m looking for a long-term accomodation in the Delft area, starting with July - August 2023. My budget is between €400 - €800. I don’t speak Dutch yet, however I am fluent in English and, obviously, Romanian, and a little German.
Apart from computers, I’m also interested in music, architecture, reading, playing board games, and possibly other things. I am a responsible and mild-mannered person when not overwhelmed by otherworldly zeal and gravitas. I am very serious with my studying, hard-working, also very well organized and tidy.
I could be the right for your your roommate or your tenant for a single accommodation. Please send me a private message here or email tudor05@yahoo.ro.
Tudor Petcu

Algemene informatie: Tudor
  Man, 20 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Computer Science BSc TuDelft (UNIVERSITEIT)